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My mother is maybe a little overage average height. She used to enjoy the fact she was taller than her (almost identical otherwise) sister. My dad… Well I remember him being taller than other parents but honestly I don't know how tall he was.


And none of us (my brothers and I) began life tall. We were all pretty average height for most of our younger years. In fact in all three cases it didn't seem to be until after puberty that things started to change. Whoever said you can't grow taller after puberty clearly hadn't met us.


And, in general, we'd be considered a pretty tall family. I don't really think about it all to often when I'm away doing my own thing and I'm sure they don't either. When we're around each other there's a similar story although we do pick fun at mum once in a while so might be tall for her gender still doesn't like being shorter than us.


But where I notice it more is when we're in public. Walking through a street or trying to get seated in a coffee  shop. Maybe it's because most of the people I know outside of my family are about average height (duh) so I'm not used to walking around looking at people at eye level. So when I do it starts to throw me a little. I know occasionally when someone is a lot taller than me I feel genuine surprise. There's no envy or resentment it doesn't change anything it's kind of like when you turn around and something is closer than you thought so you kind of take a reactionary step back. I don't run fleeing from anyone who can meet my eye line but it doesn't happen every day.


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